The Soul Journey – A Hero’s Quest Within
Every great journey begins with a call—a stirring deep within, urging you to explore the unknown. The Soul Journey is that call, inviting you to step beyond the surface and venture into the depths of your unconscious mind.
This is more than a technique; it is an unfolding hero’s journey—one that blends hypnosis, Jungian psychology, past life regression, shamanic healing, spirit and energy release, and parts therapy into a personalized path of discovery. Like the seekers of myth, you will encounter challenges, symbols, and guides along the way, each revealing the next step in your transformation.
There is no single way forward—this journey adapts to you. Whether you are reclaiming lost wisdom from past lives, navigating the shifting dreamscape of the unconscious, or releasing attachments that no longer serve you, each step brings you closer to the truth of who you are.
And as with all great quests, the greatest treasure is not found in the destination—it is in who you become along the way.
Hypnotic Trance - Go Deep
Many people aren’t entirely sure what hypnosis is, and it’s natural to feel a bit uneasy about the unknown. Let me reassure you—it’s simply a state of focused awareness paired with deep relaxation. My role is to guide you into a place where you feel so comfortable and at ease that you can fully let go while still remaining aware. You won’t be asleep or unconscious; instead, it’s like a deep daydream where your mind is calm, open, and receptive. You can talk to me and respond as though you’re somewhere between being half-awake and half-asleep.
Before we begin the session, I’ll walk you through a couple of simple exercises to show you how natural and effortless this process is. These exercises usually dissolve any unease or misconceptions about hypnosis, helping you feel completely comfortable and ready to explore. By the time we start, you’ll feel at ease, knowing exactly what to expect..
The Sanctuary - Calm Within
I’ll guide you to an inner landscape—what we call the Central Hub, a central location where your journey begins.
When you entered this landscape, you'll be at the deepest level of relaxation. This is a moment of rest a moment to truly let go to recalibrate your energy. This may be the most relax you have been in years.
This environment will be crafted by you, as you settle into a deep meditative state, you’ll find it begins to take on a life of its own. Emotions, feelings, and insights will weave themselves into the space, building it into something profound and unique to you. This is an environment that is peaceful, safe beautiful it's the center of you. The most sacred place within you.
Within this sanctuary, you’ll connect with a protector, guardian, or guide. For some, this might feel like an archetype—a representation of a part of yourself. For others, it may feel like meeting a spirit guide, a presence offering wisdom and support. Whether you see this as an aspect of your psyche or a spiritual connection, the experience is entirely your own. If you come with an open mind, you may be surprised at the depth and insight this connection brings.
At the crossroads before you, three distinct paths unfold, each offering a unique journey into the depths of your unconscious:
To the left, the Path of Past Lives beckons, revealing echoes of who you have been. Here, memories and lessons from other times surface, guiding you toward deeper understanding and healing.
Straight ahead, the Dreamscape unfolds—a realm of shifting symbols, rich with metaphor and insight. This is where the unconscious mind speaks in visions, weaving meaning from the fabric of imagination and deep knowing.
To the right, the Temple of Attachments stands, a space of release and transformation. Here, you will confront the energetic ties that bind you, uncovering what still holds weight in your soul’s journey.
Beyond this crossroads, a fourth path remains unseen. The Path of Higher Connection—a gateway to expanded consciousness—will only appear once you have traveled one of these three roads, stepping deeper into the mystery of your own being.
You may feel drawn to explore one pathway, or perhaps all four depending on the time permitted. Trust your instincts—your inner self will know where to go. I’ll be here to guide you every step of the way, helping you navigate this powerful journey of discovery and transformation.
The Journey
Past Lives - The Story of You
If you decide to explore your past lives, we’ll work together using a technique called the bridge technique. This method uses your feelings, emotions, and physical sensations to create a psychic bridge that guides you into a lifetime where these experiences originated. For example, I’ve had clients describe feeling a tightness in their chest or an ache in their stomach, and as we explore, those sensations lead them to a past life where grief, guilt, or anger first took root. These connections often feel incredibly real, and by uncovering their source, profound healing can begin.
In exploring past lives, you might uncover what I call shadow lives—lifetimes shaped by hardship, trauma, or unresolved emotions that linger as karmic imprints. These lives often hold deep lessons, even though they can be emotionally intense. One client, for example, discovered a past life as a man who constantly sabotaged himself, unable to break free from his own destructive patterns, and eventually ended that lifetime tragically. Recalling such challenging experiences can be profoundly cathartic. By confronting these shadows, clients often find clarity and release, breaking free from patterns that may still affect them in their current lives.
These shadow lives may feel heavy, but they also offer an incredible opportunity for growth. By understanding the roots of these emotions and releasing the weight they carry, clients can reclaim their power and move forward with greater self-awareness and freedom.
On the other hand, you may reconnect with lifetimes filled with purpose, strength, and clarity. I’ve had clients access lives as artists, warriors, healers, or teachers, rediscovering gifts and talents that continue to influence them today.
One client of mine uncovered a past life as a poor Indian beggar living thousands of years ago. Despite his circumstances, his wisdom was profound, and the depth of his insight was truly humbling. Another client discovered a life as a simple shopkeeper whose contagious zest for life and positivity left an unforgettable impression. These weren’t grand or powerful roles by society’s standards, but they revealed the richness of the human spirit in even the most unassuming lives.
I’ve also had clients connect with lives as young children who faced unimaginable hardships yet carried a resolve and compassion that outshined most adults. These experiences remind us that strength, wisdom, and light can come from any walk of life, no matter how ordinary or challenging it may seem. Connecting with these past selves offers a deep sense of inspiration and a reminder of the resilience and beauty within the soul.
Energy Release - Liberating the Self
Energy releasement is a profound journey of shedding what no longer serves you, freeing yourself from energetic attachments, cords, or influences that weigh on your spirit. These attachments may come from past relationships, traumatic experiences, or even parasitic energies that linger in your field. Through this process, you may uncover patterns or emotions that have held you back—fear, anger, guilt or sadness.
I’ve guided many clients through transformative energy releasement. One client, burdened by unresolved issues with his father, visualized barbed wire wrapped around his ankle—a powerful metaphor for their connection. By untying and releasing the wire, he experienced a profound sense of freedom and peace.
In another session, a client described an energy slug on his back, draining his vitality. Through the process, he was able to remove it and immediately felt lighter and more energized. I’ve also encountered spirit attachments—sometimes from loved ones, strangers, or, on rare occasions, darker energies. Whether these experiences are symbolic or real, they feel very real to my clients, and the relief they feel afterward is undeniable. If energy release speaks to you, it’s worth exploring.
Dreamscape - The Shamans Way
Embarking on a dream quest takes you into a symbolic landscape created by your subconscious, where emotions, metaphors, and archetypes come to life in ways that feel deeply real. This is like a Shamanic Journey where one travels within. The unconscious mind treats everything literally, so the changes you make in this dreamscape have profound effects. For instance, feeling “stuck” might appear as sinking in mud, while a desire for clarity could manifest as a bright, guiding light. By interacting with these symbols, you engage directly with your inner world, making powerful shifts at a foundational level.
This dreamscape is like a shaman’s journey, evolving with the emotions and intentions you bring to it. I’ve seen clients rediscover lost parts of themselves—finding their inner child, reconnecting with ancestors, or uncovering hidden strengths. Some have planted a garden of intention here, nurturing it as it grows and manifests into something extraordinary in their lives. Others have faced fears, battled dragons, or unearthed treasure, each action reflecting a transformation happening within.
When you work at this level of the unconscious, real change begins to take root. Symbols become catalysts, and the work you do here radiates outward into your waking life. This is where inner work happens, where you can plant seeds of growth and watch them bloom into incredible manifestations. The dream quest is your space of infinite possibilities—a place to explore, heal, and create the future you desire.
Higher Self - Timeless Wisdom
Connecting with your Higher Self is more than just accessing guidance—it’s stepping into a higher vibration or plane of existence that shifts your perspective entirely. In these realms, the human struggles and problems that often weigh us down begin to dissolve, replaced by a profound sense of connection and clarity. When I’ve guided my clients—or experienced this myself—it’s as if the veil is lifted, and we remember that we’re part of something far greater than ourselves.
In these higher vibrational states, the boundaries of time and space seem to fade. We experience the truth that life is eternal, that energy never ends, and that what we perceive as “death” is merely a transition. These journeys remind us that we are not separate but deeply interconnected with an intelligence that transcends human understanding—a force that permeates everything.
Exploring these realms, whether through trance, meditation, or even psychedelics, reveals a profound sense of timelessness and boundless existence. Clients often describe encountering insights, energies, or even entities that resonate with wisdom far beyond the earthly experience. These experiences don’t just offer answers; they fundamentally shift how we see ourselves and the world, reminding us that the “something beyond the veil” is not distant—it’s all around us, woven into the very fabric of existence.
The beauty of connecting with your Higher Self is the transformation it brings back into daily life. It’s not just about what you discover—it’s about how you carry that sense of peace, wisdom, and connection with you, grounding it into your human experience. Through these journeys, you’re not just reminded of who you are; you begin to live it.
Are you ready?
This quest can be life changing and integral to your growth and well-being. You can treat it as a metaphorical journey to communicate with the unconscious, or, if you allow, a genuine connection to the spirit. When in a relaxed intuitive state we can communicate with the deeper parts of our unconscious. It’s in this inner realm where the secrets of the soul live.
Everyone is on their own unique spiritual path. This method allows you to discover where you are on this path. It may reveal that you are headed in the right direction after all, or it could indicate a need for a change in course.