• This is a simple 12 min exercise

    • You will discover what your special ability is (Visual, Feeling or Hearing, Taste, Smell)

    • Discover a secret door to a inner place

  • There isn’t a grade and you can’t fail.

  • This audio is simply a way for you to get an idea of how this will work.


EVERYONE has the ability to do this, even if you are not visual. For example when I close my eyes and try to imagine my home its doesn’t come to me in a visual way. It’s almost if I am blind and using an inner sonar to “feel” the place around me. With practice I was able to use this feeling ability to navigate the inner world with ease. It took me a while to “get it” but once I did I was amazed.

Now, if when when you close your eyes you still have a visual perception of your surroundings, then you have an advantage in some regard to us feeling, and hearing types. Nevertheless, even if you are not visual EVERYONE can do this, but it can take some practice.


This is where I come in.

In a session I use time tested hypnotic techniques to induce a mild trance like state similar to right when you wake up ( no alarm) or right when you go to bed. I relax you to a point where the mind slows down and your creative, intuitive mind opens up. Its a very simple and natural process, yet most people are not aware of it.


The other component to this is disconnecting from our thinking minds and relaxing. Have trouble relaxing? This is because no one has taught you or explained how simple it is. The secret? Breathing.

Not just any type of breathing but slow deep belly breaths with an exhale longer than your inhale.

Why this type of breathing? When we breathe slow, deep and exhale longer than our inhale we shift from a Sympathetic nervous system “Fight or Flight” to a Parasympathetic nervous system “Rest and Digest”.

When we take slow deep belly breaths and exhale longer than our inhale we activate our Vagus nerve which produces a natural tranquilizer in our body called Acetylcholine.

By doing this type of breathing you will slow your brain waves from an analytical Beta, into a relaxed Alpha brain wave state.

This simple act of breathing will be your ticket into calming the mind and allowing the impressions to come to you.


  • Take a big deep breath into your belly. Hold. Exhale longer than your inhale. If you did it right you will notice your body is more relaxed.


  • Could you imagine standing in front of your home and walking in?

  • Could you imagine creating a new door or entrance ( that was not there before)?

  • Could you imagine stepping through this door into a new magical / amazing outdoor place?

Live - 1 on 1

  • In a Live session there is an active engagement with me and I will guide you along the way.

  • You will tell me what you experience and I will help you navigate what comes up. You will always feel safe and protected

  • In a session I will take you into a deeper state, using hypnotic techniques that allow for profound state of relaxation

Having Trouble Visualizing ?

Discovering aphantasia later in life can be a bewildering experience, but it can also open doors to new ways of thinking and perceiving the world. Aphantasia, the inability to voluntarily create mental images, doesn't hinder the capacity to remember or imagine; it simply alters the method by which these processes occur.

For me, realizing I had aphantasia was a revelation that came while learning to perform a particular task—when I stopped trying to "see" and started to "know" or feel what I was imagining, everything clicked into place.

This discovery is crucial, particularly in fields like past life regression therapy, where visualizing is often a core component. People with aphantasia can experience past lives differently—through sensations, known facts, or emotional imprints rather than vivid images. My journey has shown me that aphantasia is not a barrier but a different lens through which to view one's experiences. It has also made me a more effective therapist for those with aphantasia, as I can easily relate to and guide them through the non-visual experiences of their subconscious minds.

For those newly identifying with aphantasia, the Aphantasia Network offers an extensive guide that can help navigate this condition. This guide includes assessments, experiments, and scientific insights that illuminate the experiences of those without a visual mind's eye. Whether struggling to understand how you think or looking to connect with others with aphantasia, this guide and the community around it provide invaluable support. Aphantasia doesn't limit your perception, it simply diversifies the ways in which you might perceive and remember the world.

Aphantasia Guide

Power of Imagination

Some clients will say Spiritual Journeys & Past Lives often feel like you are imagining them.

This is because your imagination is the translator that helps your every day mind understand what is going on in the journey.  When you go on a shamanic journey, part of your soul goes on the journey.  Another part of your soul stays behind.

What happens on the journey happens to your soul.  These happenings would not make any sense to your brain, if your imagination did not step in to explain it in a way the brain can understand.  This is what I mean when I say the imagination is the translator for your journey.

You can use your imagination to help you experience the journey more fully.

Your imagination doesn’t just have to translate the visual parts of the journey or the sounds.  If you engage your imagination fully it can also help your body feel the sensations that occur on your journeys.

If you are on a journey moving through rapids, you can engage your imagination to help your body feel the sensations of the water rushing around you.  If you are in a field of flowers, your imagination can help supply the smells of what is it like to be there.

In some societies, shamans talk about taking your body with you when you journey.  When they say this, they mean that their entire body and all of their senses experience the journey as if the body is there on the journey.  That is the potential of how strong your journeys can feel if you unleash the full power of your imagination when journeying.  The ultimate goal would be to see, smell, feel, and hear your journeys.

People who are in professions which require a lot of imagination, will probably not have any problem using their imaginations to “bring their bodies with them” on a journey.

That is because imagination is like a muscle that requires building up.  You may have to practice using your imagination.  You might have to focus on one sensation at a time, to build that imagination muscle.  For instance you might focus on receiving the smells first, then adding the feelings in your body so that eventually you are experiencing the journey with all your senses.


It is common to have the feeling that you are making your journeys up.

This is due to the fact that your imagination is translating the journey to your brain, this is may not be enough proof for the analytical mind.  In many cases, its only the experience of journeys over time that begin to give you proof that you are not making your journeys up.

However, ultimately all experiences on a journey are anecdotal. By that, I am meaning the scientist’s word for unreliable.Experience is not usually considered a scientific fact or the type of proof you can use for statistics.  

This is true for all experiences.  The more powerful the experience the more personal it becomes, because the power of an experience happens on an individual level.Shamanic journeying can provide you with many powerful experiences.  It is up to you to decide if those experiences are valuable to you or not.

 Some people will also have a mind which worries about whether they are making it up.  

The question then comes down to:  

Which thing do you wish to satisfy?

  •  Do you want to satisfy your mind to prove beyond a doubt that you are not making the journey up?

  • Or do you want to satisfy your soul and your body with a full and rich experience of your shamanic journey?


For the last tip, it’s important to know that imagination requires energy.  It’s hard to journey if your personal battery is not charged.  

If you don’t have much energy, that can make it hard for your imagination to supply all the details of your journey.  

Prior to any inner work I will do my best to get a good nights sleep, eat light and get outdoors for a walk or run. Limit news, TV and social distractions. Try to unplug the best you can.

The more charged you are, the more power you can supply to your imagination for its translation work.