Past Life Regression

Past life regression is a therapeutic technique for accessing and re-experiencing your past lives directly. A branch of hypnotherapy, past life regression therapy has grown over the last 50 years to be an important addition to the healing arts.

For me, Past Life Regression is like a lighthouse, guiding souls through the fog of unexplained fears, persistent phobias, and the kinds of deep anxieties that seem to have no root. It's for those of us who've ever wondered why certain patterns seem to stick around, no matter how hard we try to shake them off. I've come to see it as a doorway to understanding the complex tapestry of experiences that stretch far beyond our current lifetime.

Navigating the Real, the Metaphorical, and Beyond

Is Past Life Regression metaphorical, a literal journey through time, or something else entirely? Honestly, I can't claim to know for certain. What I do believe, deeply and unequivocally, is in the power of these experiences. My conviction is not born from intellectual reasoning but from something far more profound—a level of experience that transcends the rational mind. This journey taps into the unconscious, the last great uncharted territory of human understanding, hinting at depths we're only beginning to explore.

Is This Path for You?

If you find yourself drawn to these words, intrigued by the possibility of exploring beyond the surface of your current existence, Past Life Regression might be calling to you. It's particularly resonant if you:

  • Are burdened by fears or anxieties that seem to have no root in this life.

  • Suffer from unexplained physical conditions.

  • Find yourself repeating patterns or caught in cycles that don't serve you.

  • Feel a deep, inexplicable connection with certain people, suggesting bonds that might span lifetimes.

  • Seek a deeper understanding of your purpose and the journey of your soul across the ages.

Examples of what you can encounter.

Past Life - The Shadow:

Encountering a past life marked by hardship or trauma can be profoundly cathartic. In my experience with nearly a thousand clients, I've come to believe that we carry the karmic baggage of past lifetimes. These are the lives that were either left unfulfilled or whose energies were never fully released, creating a psychic weight that travels with us. Whether as a victim or oppressor, understanding, confronting, and ultimately forgiving and releasing these past experiences are crucial steps in moving forward in your current life. Witnessing and experiencing these shadowy past lives can lead to significant healing and growth.

Past Life - The Light:

Contrasting the shadow are the lifetimes filled with meaning and purpose. These are the lives where you exhibited strong character and conviction, where some quality within you shone brighter than it does in your current life. The aim here is to remember and tap into those feelings, skills, and abilities from such lifetimes, enriching who you are now and aiding in your personal development.

Past Life - Beyond

Imagine a life beyond the earth plane. Another planet, dimension, or reality. After venturing in lives on Earth it is possible to expand beyond a human existence. The possibility’s are endless when accessing the life beyond.

Ready to explore your Past Lives and more?

If you’re feeling drawn to explore your past lives, I offer a transformative experience called the Soul Journey. This session gives you the freedom to go where your soul feels pulled—whether it’s past lives, connecting with your Higher Self, exploring symbolic dreamscapes, or releasing energy attachments.

The Soul Journey is a flexible and intuitive process, tailored to you. Whether you choose to follow one path or several, it’s an opportunity for profound self-discovery and growth. If this speaks to you, click here to learn more and start your journey.

  • Melissa H

    I recently lost 2 of my best friends a month apart and needed some healing in my life. Also felt like past lives were causing some serious issues in my current life. So I had my first session with James and it was absolutely magical. Way more than I ever thought it might be.

    I wasn't sure if I'd be able to go under because my mind is always going but James took his time and explained the process thoroughly and I had such a healing experience. I cried and let so much baggage out. When I woke I felt so cleansed and at peace.

    I will for sure go back and have more sessions because there's so much more to be discovered. James thank you for the amazing enlightenment. You truly are wonderful.

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