FAQ -Booking

  • Of course. If you still have questions and are unsure if this is right for you please reach out to me. We can chat via text email or on the phone.


  • InPerson -Soul Journey

    • $275

    InPerson -Return Journey

    • 2hr $199

    • 2.5hr $249

    Zoom - Soul Journey

    • *$325

    *Zoom sessions are a bit longer since we will be spreading out the session over 2 calls plus a 20min consultation. WIth this extra prep work I have found the sessions work wonderfully.

  • You can add notes and a story to your session for an extra fee. This helps you remember and appreciate the insights in a meaningful way.

    Example -

  • I do both

    I have a physical office location 101 S Rainbow Blvd #9A Las Vegas, NV 89145 ( Inside - CC Sees Your Guiding Light Metaphysical Shop)

    Regarding Zoom

    I have found this to be an excellent method to spiritual work especially for people that feel more comfortable in their own home. If you are not able to drive or out of town Zoom is a great option. If your interested in a Zoom session CLICK HERE

  • Sometimes one session is enough, but some clients choose to have more to continue their personal work. I suggest scheduling sessions every 30 to 90 days. Some people come back after six months or a year; it really depends on your needs.

  • Yes, I offer a 3 session package deal

    ✔️ Session 1 (3 hours): Foundational journey

    ✔️ Session 2 (2 hours): Go deeper—explore another landscape or expand on your first journey.

    ✔️ Session 3 (2 hours): Integration— Come full circle and integrate all you have learned.

    🎁 Bonus Gifts

    Free Session Transcript + Personalized Notes ($25 Value)

    Personalized Soul Journey Story ($30 Value)

    Personalized Guided Meditation Recording to Your Safe Place ($45 Value)

    Sacred Item

    Blessed and Charged - Crystal or Stone, for Protection, Healing & Wisdom ($65 Value)


  • I record all my sessions and will send you audio file within a week after our session.

    Recordings are given to you ONLY.

  • When the session begins I will only have the client and myself in the room. This policy ensures an optimal experience, free of potential distractions or conscious interference.

    Even in a deep state of relaxation you are aware of the other person's presence, causing your conscious mind to self-edit or withhold.

    However, for those who wish to share their experience, a recording of the session can be provided. This allows interested parties to view the process after the fact, contingent upon your consent.

    On a related note, any fears related to saying or doing things involuntarily during hypnosis can be put to rest.

    Hypnosis is not a form of mind control; it cannot compel you to say or do anything against your will or values. Creating a safe place where you feel comfortable is one on my utmost priority's

  • In the rare case that If after our session you are not satisfied I will not charge you the full amount. The deposit of $100 will not be refunded as this is to secure your spot and my time.

  • Sometimes throughout the year I will have a discounts.

    If you are having financial difficulties and are finding it difficult to pay the full amount feel free to reach out. I do my best to help out when I can.

  • Canceling or Rescheduling

    If you are unable to make the session (things happen), you can reschedule at least 48hrs in advance and I will put you in the first available date open.

    If for some reason there is an emergency and I cannot make our session I reserve the right to reschedule.


    I require a minimum of $100 to hold your spot. All deposits are non-transferable or refundable, and will expire after 3 months from date of appointment, unless special arrangement is made in advance.

 FAQ General

  • This session will guide you on a profound journey into your unconscious mind, where deep healing and transformation take place. By integrating elements of shamanic healing, parts therapy, and past life regression, the Soul Journey Methodhelps you:

    1. Heal emotional wounds and release energetic blocks by exploring the root causes of challenges, whether from this life or a past one.

    2. Reconnect with your authentic self and gain clarity by meeting the different parts of your psyche—emotional, mental, and spiritual—that may need love, understanding, or reintegration.

    3. Access the wisdom of your soul by uncovering past life experiences that hold valuable lessons, insights, and resolutions for your current life.

    4. Strengthen your connection to Spirit or higher consciousness, offering you guidance, protection, and a renewed sense of purpose.

    5. Discover and reclaim your personal power through a shamanic healing process that connects you to your inner strength and wisdom.

    This session is not just about uncovering the past; it’s about empowering you in the present. It’s a safe, guided experience that meets you exactly where you are, helping you release what no longer serves you and move forward with clarity, peace, and confidence.

  • Everybody can be hypnotized and are in a state of Hypnosis most of the day. There's a misconception about what Hypnosis is. All Hypnosis is is a focus state of awareness, and not being critical.

    When you're driving, reading a book, thinking of the past or the future.

    Another great example of this would be watching a movie or TV show.

    You go with and experience the show, and even feel emotions, even though you know the show has been created. You're not analyzing it or breaking it down you're just going with the show.

    When in a deep relax state, you're not as critical of what your intuition is giving you.

  • If something disturbing comes up, you will be in a place to handle it. Nothing will be shown to you that you're not already prepared to deal with. Your unconscious mind and spirit are always protecting you so even if you go to a challenging life, you'll be able to handle it.

    In the almost 1000 sessions I have done everyone has been able to handle what was shown to them, even if it was challenging.

  • No.

    For the highly analytical person this work may not be as effective if they are functioning solely on an intellectual level and do not have the capability for introspection.

    This kind of work requires a yielding of logical analysis and an opening to the intuitive..

    Now, If you are open minded, feel that there is more to our earthly existence, and allow yourself to relax and let go, with my assistance you will experience a past life.

    Each one of us has the capacity to experience a successful regression; however, for some it may require more time to relax and let go of their preconceived notions of what a past life regression should be.

    When you first come in there is excitement and maybe a little fear of the unknown. This is why during our first session i slowly guide you into this.

    We take our time so you can learn and relax into the process. Its much easier than you think.

  • I don't advertise myself as a psychic medium, however doing this work there are moments when I am channeling my guides, and working with yours.

    I always tell people that we are all psychics. Psychic ability is similar to working a muscle.

    If you work this muscle, on a daily basis, you will develop it.

  • Not at all.

    A past life regression is much different than a psychic reading. I assist you in accessing the memories and relating them to your current life.

    I do not sit with you and tell you about your past lives.

    You participate fully in the regression as I guide you through it.

  • The part of you that is asking this question is your logical mind.

    You are not your logical mind or your body. You are an infinite being that is within this body in this lifetime, but your Logical/ Ego mind can only work on an intellectual level.

    Perception is always limited by what you willing to know.

    By slowing down your brain with meditation and mindfulness you will begin to get an idea that there is a great mystery. It's not out side of you, but deep within your heart. All the answers lie within.

    To truly benefit from the healing and transformative aspects of this work you need to be open to the possibility that this is real and there is more to this existence.

    My clients have healed physical and mental barriers that were plaguing them by uncovering, and releasing past life issues.

    They have come out of a session with a greater understanding of who they are and what they are here to do.

    Your intuition knows the difference between fact and fiction.

  • Reincarnation, literally "to be made flesh again", is a belief that some essential part of a living being survives death to be reborn in a new body.

    The idea of past lives is a belief held by many ancient cultures, religions, and is still recognized by over 2 billion people today. Each culture has its own unique ideas regarding the specifics and purpose of Reincarnation.

    Now with new methods in research, with children’s past life memories and new hypnotic techniques this ancient belief is gaining wider acceptance.

    This essential part is often referred to as the spirit or soul, the "higher" or "true" self, "divine spark", or "I".

    According to such beliefs, a new personality is developed during each life in the physical world, but some part of the self remains constant throughout the successive lives.

  • In an LBL you will briefly visit a Past Life before entering in the higher spiritual realms.

    What is Life Between Lives®?

    ‘Life Between Lives’ refers to the experience of being between incarnations (the inter-life), where you exist as a pure energy being. It also is the name of a process pioneered by Dr Michael Newton. Life Between Lives (LBL) is a deep hypnotic guided process that allows you to remember your experience of the afterlife and reconnect you with your true self and your guiding beings.

    Let’s break that down in more detail…A deep hypnotic process– An LBL session involves the achievement of complete physical relaxation to reach a state of expanded consciousness where hidden spiritual memories can be accessed. This deep hypnotic state is guided by the hypnotic suggestions given by the LBL Faciltator,but the state itself is also equally created by the client’s own ability to let go and relax. In an LBL state, awareness is altered so the subconscious and the highest level of the mind the superconscious can be accessed to bring forth deep personal wisdom.

    Your guiding beings– Michael Newton’s research enabled him to assemble a model of the spiritual realm. He documented consistent reports from thousands of clients from all walks of life of the existence and incredible support offered by countless Higher Beings in the inter-life.

    These energetic beings act in the roles of personal guides and teachers, ready to guide each one of us through and between each life. LBL can offer people a more direct experience of connecting with these spiritual guides to receive messages of wisdom and insights to apply to their current lives.Immortal Identity– Each of us is so much more than the physical aspect we can see.

    We are a combination of the energies, experiences and learnings of countless previous lives; each life a set of contrasting experiences that embody the variety of lessons our inner, eternal self seeks to learn in its quest for development. That core, eternal self, is always searching for growth and new levels of understanding. LBL sessions can improve the connection we have with our own expanded consciousness and true immortal self.

  • A Soul Journey serves as an initial exploration into the unconscious mind, designed for those embarking on this inner journey for the first time. In contrast, a Life Between Lives session is typically done as a follow-up, diving deeper into the space between incarnations. That said, there are times when the Life Between Lives state can be naturally accessed during a first session, depending on where the journey leads.

  • The shamanic / spiritual journey occurs by shifting awareness or consciousness in order to allow part of your soul/ consciousness to leave the body.

    Journeying like meditation is a tool for spiritual growth. It is also a tool that can be used for healing, to obtaining information, and in working through psychological issues.

    The journeyer will often experience both the room that they are in, and the place they visiting in the journey. Their soul is in two places at once. The degree to which the journeyer will experience what is happening in the room depends on the person.

    When someone goes on a journey they are able to communicate on a spiritual level. So journeyers can go and visit guardian spirits, they can go and visit spirits of the land.

    During a journey an individual can also examine the health of their body or another’s body. The journey can also be used discover things about the physical world.

  • My job is not to challenge your religious beliefs. Belief and spiritual experience are two different things.

    Religion requires you to believe in a doctrine. Religious doctrine has been written and created by Humans. Humans have their own agendas, political purposes, and ideologies.

    Spiritual experience requires you to find your own answers. The Mystic would go off on their own to discover the truth.

    Having grown up with religious doctrine, I found that it was not enough for me. Maybe you're in the same boat.

    Instead of someone telling me what to believe, I wanted to discover the truth.

    If you are a truth seeker, then you know the answer.

  • The journey can be seen as a deep exploration of the unconscious mind, much like Jungian Active Imagination—a process where the psyche presents symbols, stories, and archetypes that reveal hidden emotions, unresolved patterns, and profound insights.

    Carl Jung, the great Swiss psychologist, believed that the unconscious speaks to us in images and symbols, often through dreams, myths, and inner journeys. He suggested that these experiences—whether or not they are “real” in a literal sense—offer invaluable wisdom for healing and personal growth.