James Guiry CHt, PLRt, LBLt
At the age of 18, I stumbled upon the idea of past lives while perusing a book on hypnosis. It was a chapter dedicated to the subject that led me down a wonderful path of discovery.
Until then, the concept of reincarnation had never been a topic of conversation in my upbringing, and I was oblivious to alternative perspectives.
Nevertheless, my childhood was marked by inexplicable psychic and paranormal phenomena, which had always captivated me. This led me to explore beyond my religious beliefs and delve into the unknown.
I wanted to form my own beliefs through direct experience rather than blindly accepting what I was told to believe.
The following day, I invited my friend Travis to explore the methods I had recently discovered with me. Little did I know, this experience would become a pivotal moment in my life
…3 hours later
I had guided Travis into 3 past lives, and forever changed how I view the world.
We discovered that he was a leper in the 9th century who had to endure pain and sorrow, but also experienced kindness and compassion from others.
A French astronomer during the Spanish Inquisition who was willing to stand by his beliefs, even though it meant death by the Church.
In his most recent past life he was a simple man living rural Texas during the 1950's.
When the session was over we were both in a state of awe. At the time, it was too surreal and mind bending for our young minds to grasp.
In retrospect, I realized that his willingness to experience something with an open mind is one of the keys to unlocking soul memories.
Over that summer I regressed more of my friends and had profound experiences that validated, at least for me, the reality of Past Lives and Reincarnation. It opened up a new spiritual landscape in me that felt right.
Even though I had experienced profound insights over that summer I was not ready to dive into this work full-time. Over the next 20 years I worked a regular job and raised a family. Looking back at this time I realized this period of growth and understanding prepared me to help others from a better perspective.
My Journey
In 2011, after reading Michael Newton's "Journey of Souls," I experienced a significant vision that urged me to revisit my work with a new level of understanding. This moment of clarity early one morning convinced me to pursue my calling with renewed focus, guided by the encouragement of my spiritual guides. Since then, I've committed fully to this path without looking back.
Throughout my life I've been fortunate enough to experience many of my past lives and connect with spirit. This has given me a greater understanding of the larger picture of existence and my place in it. The more I connected with these different aspects of myself, the more self-aware I became, which led me to start exploring the nature of reality.
The Shadow
The first step in this journey was to identify and confront my "shadow" lives- the parts of myself that represented my weaknesses.
By acknowledging and releasing these darker aspects, I was able to heal and grow. It's only when we let go of our shadows and heavy karma that we can truly move towards enlightenment.
When I meet with clients dealing with the shadow is usually the first order of business.
The Shaman and the Healer
As I continued to explore, I was able to find past lives that helped me connect with my true purpose and calling.
I have experienced many past lives yet two have stuck with me to this day.
In a past life, I was an Incan shaman in the early 16th century who worked with plant medicine and had a strong connection to the energy of the Earth. I had an innate understanding of the jungle that I've never experienced in my current life. Being able to see things from his perspective has helped me see nature in a whole new way. Everything is interconnected - the plants, rocks, water, dirt, animals, and unseen spirits that surround us. It's a beautiful reminder that we are all part of one interconnected web of life.
In another life I have a vivid memory of being a Native American woman healer named "One Who Rides the Wind" . She had such a deep connection to nature, and the wind was her ally. I can still see her standing in a field, arms raised, as the wind blew around her. It was one of the most spiritual experiences I've ever had. In that moment, time seemed to slow down, and I was able to tap into a primal intelligence. That memory has stayed with me and will always be a part of me, and there are moments when I pause and feel the wind on my face and connect again.
Beyond the Map
My inner journey of self-discovery has been vast and multifaceted, with the exploration of past lives being just one aspect. I have personally found success in locating and releasing intrusive energies within my own body, known as spirit attachment, as well as connecting with ancient lives lived on different planets, and even as an energy being that helps others cross over.
Through this process, I have also been able to connect with my Higher Self and learn from my Master Guides and Teachers through the Lives Between Lives method created by Michael Newton. This journey is one of healing and growth, with endless possibilities for self-discovery.
Building and strengthening your spirit team is essential for successfully navigating the inner realms of the unconscious mind. It's a rewarding and enriching experience that can lead to greater self-awareness and understanding.
I am not Special
I do feel blessed to have had many unexplained and profound experiences throughout my life, yet while I may share my own experiences and insights, it is not my intention to claim special abilities or powers.
I am not a guru, shaman or miracle healer, but simply a humble guide. I understand the challenges and struggles that come with living in a fast-paced modern world. I have experienced the pain of losing someone I love, the stress of financial struggles, and the difficulty of finding purpose in life. Just like you, I have anxiety, doubts and fears.
Yet through it all I have had an inner conviction that the universe has my back and will be there for me. I truly believe that when we tune into a higher frequency, access our guides, let go of the shadow, and live a purpose filled life great things WILL happen.
We all have the ability to grow spiritually while inhabiting this human body. All it takes is an open mind and a willing heart to tap into the support and guidance of the universe.
My Training
My journey into hypnosis has been a blend of self-directed learning in my early years, then a formal training as I began to embrace my path with more intent as I grew older.
My Initial hypnosis and Past Life Regression training was from the talented 2nd generation hypnotist Mark Johnson , and a certification from the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT).
I had the privilege to further my Past Life Training with the wonderful Mira Kelly after reading her amazing book Beyond Past Lives
My quest for deeper understanding led me to the Life Between Lives method, taught by the esteemed Michael Newton Institute, where I am proud to be one of fewer than 100 practitioners in the USA.
Additionally, I am a lifetime member of Mike Mandell Hypnosis, which continues to be a significant source of inspiration and education for me in the field of hypnosis. For any interested in learning hypnosis I would highly encourage you to check out his training.
Now doing this work one finds a part that transcends this lifetime. In lighter moments, I often say that I have been practicing hypnosis for over 500 years ;)
My Style
Over the years I have been influenced by many esoteric modalities, and I have blended many different styles into one method that works wonderfully for my clients. I call this a Soul Journey Method
Soul Journey: is a combination of Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Shamanic Journeying, Parts Therapy, and Spirit Release in a session.
Hypnosis influences: The great Dave Elman and Milton Erickson, and current pioneers like Mike Mandell and Melissa Tiers have helped me understand how Hypnosis can be a truly effective means to healing and empowerment.
Past Life influences: Brian Weiss, Michael Newton, Roger Woolger and Dolores Cannon, Mira Kelley have been my primary inspiration in my past life work and I am grateful for their books and teachings.
Shamanic influences:from Jose Stevens, Michael Harner, Sandra Ingerman, Dr. Alberto Villoldo, just to name a few.
Spirit Release influences: influences are Dr. Eidth Foire and William Baldwin.
Working with clients and helping them on their inner journey has been the greatest source of knowledge for me. It's incredibly rewarding to be present when someone makes a powerful connection with a guide, releases heavy energy, or gains new insights.
Every day, I feel grateful and honored to have the opportunity to help others discover and unlock their own inner understanding. It's a constant process of growth and learning, and I'm always seeking to deepen my own understanding and knowledge.
My ultimate goal is to inspire and guide others on their own journey of self-discovery by utilizing this unique form of inner healing. Through this process, you can learn, connect, grow, and find meaning in your day-to-day lives.
Doing this work is more than just reading a script out of a book. It takes training, commitment and an understanding of ones own soul to be an effective guide to others.
It requires a client centered approach with a focus on healing and love.
I promise to work with you through the process, guide you to discover more about the life you are living by discovering more about the lives you have already experienced.