Connecting with My Spirit Animal: A Journey to Self-Discovery
As I sit down to reflect on a synchronistic moment in my life, I want to revisit those memories and share them.
My hope is that my story might spark a memory or a moment in your life where something extraordinary happened, encouraging you to share it with others. Even if nothing extraordinary has occurred, I'm sure there are unexplainable moments in your life. You likely wouldn’t be drawn to this field without having caught a glimpse of the divine.
I’ve always been interested in signs—like little breadcrumbs from the universe sprinkled throughout reality, offering pockets of magic.
Fourteen years ago, an ordinary morning became extraordinary, marking the beginning of my spiritual journey. I woke up to find the glowing head of a white owl in front of me. Like this disembody glowing white owl head. Am I awake or am I dreaming? That’s what I thought in that moment. If you’ve ever had the experience of a lucid dream or astral travel, it seems similar to that kind of experience.
As I was laying there, just staring at this owl there was an inner kind of message that was coming to me.
No actual words. Like an emotional download. The message was simply to trust in the omens and the signs and to follow your greatest purpose which is to guide and help others on their spiritual path.
The owl’s message reignited my interest in this work, prompting me to revisit books I’d set aside 15 years earlier when I first learned about past life regression. Five years later, and operating a profitable Past life side hustle, while driving home from my day job, I looked at my owl ring on my hand ( an item that I purchased after that first vision ) and wondered if it was still with me. In that split second of contemplation, these were the emotions that went through me- Did it abandoned me. Maybe it was just a dream. Then fear of “ Am I qualified enough, smart enough, spiritual enough, healed enough to help other people?
In that moment I looked up the road 100 yards away from my house the owl flies from my roof and off into the distance. In shock I pull into the driveway and my wife asks, “Did you just see the owl? I told her yes I did very much so. 😂🙏🏼. That was the moment for me. Realization, there’s something far greater.
Fast-forward three years in the height of the Covid pandemic, and I was kind of having a lack of faith moment.
The owl sign now seemed like a distant memory, yet when I looked around my office this cold November day I stopped and stared at an owl painting. In that moment, I went into a hypnotic trance, not of my own doing it as if it was happening to me. During this focused state of awareness on the owl, I asked again. “Are you still with me?” I really opened my heart and yielded in that moment. Those moments where you have to surrender.
30 minutes later then my client shows up startling me out of my state. 3 hours later and the session goes fantastic, and I kind of forgot about looking at the owl painting. As stepped outside onto my balcony, turning the light on to my Casita, I looked and saw an owl on top of my roof looking at me. I’ve never sat down so fast in my life the breath was taken out of me honestly. Since that day I stopped questioning my reality. I awoke to it.
Reflecting on these experiences makes me appreciate the mysteries and magic in the world. I often say that the more I learn and experience the less I know. Humbled every day.
Feel free to share any synchronicity that has shaped your life. I’d love to hear about the little pockets of magic that have touched you. Big or Small. This is a safe space 🙏🏼